Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sinus Pressure Relief - 4 Ways To Take Control And Stop Suffering

When you learn to manage and treat your sinus problems naturally you will be amazed at how much your quality of life improves.

It's not that you will never have sinus trouble again-nobody can promise that. But you can really change your life for the better by choosing to take action. Even little things-Like having the cat sleep at the foot of my bed would make me miserable the next day.

Not any more. Both of my daughters cats are sitting next to me on the sofa as I type this and I won't have any trouble at all. And I used to run from cats because of the sinus pain and pressure I would experience after being anywhere near them!

But it wasn't just cats I was running from-I was literally planning my life around my sinus misery.

I would avoid barbecues, jogging, picnics, family outings and other outside activities too. And all to avoid irritating my sinus problem. I had stopped going out with friends-or even over to visit them at their homes. I had become "isolated" from the people I cared about.

Learning that I had a underlying fungal infection eating away at my sinuses was empowering because it gave me back some control over my problem. This knowledge can do the same for you.

If you take action.

Albert Einstein said insanity was doing the same thing every day, but expecting a different result.

Is that what you are doing? Or worse yet-are you finished even hoping for a different result? Have you given up? Are you planning your life around the pain and pressure in your head?

Here are some things you can do to take back control of your life starting today:
  1. Get yourself a Neti Pot and use it every day to rinse your sinuses. Don't worry about learning how to use it right now-it will come with very simple instructions. They are inexpensive. Get the stainless one. I got mine on ebay for less than $25 including shipping.
  2. Start cutting back on the sugar you consume (this really works) to stop feeding the fungus thats living in your sinuses. Take baby steps-like cutting down on soda or skipping the double supersweet latte. Fungal sinusitis feeds on sugar-start starving it.
  3. Start taking some garlic tabs-you can get them at Walmart for less than 5 bucks. Garlic is a natural anti fungal agent.
  4. Get some Apple Cider Vinegar and drink a little(warning-it tastes really nasty) every day. Apple cider vinegar will change your body's PH and make it hard for fungus and bacteria to grow on you.
The important thing is to take action. Don't accept the constant pain and pressure-do something about it. Its not natural for you to be miserable and suffer from sinus infections all the time.

All you have to do is get your body back to its natural, balanced state.

If you want to learn more I recommend--->
The website is goofy but the info is first rate.

I sincerely hope you take responsibility for your health and check it out.

I would love to hear your comments.

Thanks, Melody


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Ayaleth said...

Sinus really cause suffering for everyone including me. Is your medicine good for sinusitis treatment?